#27/100 – Video recipe for traditional, Swedish Semla

semlaA friend in the US recently  asked me what a Semla was, having seen one of my pictures of these traditional swedish delicacies. At the time I feel short of a decent answer…until I stumbled upon this enchanting and beautiful video-recipe by Sanna of Homegrown Swedes.

Not only is it a beautiful video, in all its simplicity, but has an added bonus of providing the recipe in both swedish and english.

This is how it has been done since way back in the day, artisan baking hard to find these days. I would obviously buy all organic ingredients, clear my schedule for a day and just enjoy the happiness of making something so wonderful, from scratch.

Thank you Sanna for sharing this! I can wait to have my house full of friends and family, dishing up hand-made Semla in a bowl of hot milk!

Sanna’s Semla from Homegrown Swedes on Vimeo.

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